City of Vancouver – Granville Bridge Loops redevelopment plan

The worldwide trend is for more and more people to live in cities, and Vancouver is no different. We should embrace urbanization as city dwellers have a far lesser drain on our environment, which is a reason I choose to focus on condos in my business.
To accommodate our growing population, the City has been identifying underperforming areas and had their eyes on redeveloping the Granville Loops since before 2010. I’m not sure when the project will commence but, in December 2017, City Council directed staff to proceed with the project.
The loops are on the north side of the Granville Bridge and traffic usage doesn’t warrant such a large parcel of valuable land. In removing them, the City seeks to provide more homes, improve pedestrian and cyclist routes, and further pronounce the gateway to downtown from the Granville Bridge.
Document: City of Vancouver – Granville Loops plan 2010
This is one of 3 transformative efforts in this neighbourhood. In 2019, residents will move into the spectacular Vancouver House development across Pacific Street. Also, planning is underway for another tower for the 600 block of Beach Crescent. The two towers from those projects will form the main focal point of the gateway for people traveling into downtown from the Granville Bridge.
In purchasing a nearby condo, be aware of potential impacts on your view, changes to traffic routing, and improved community amenities.
DIAGRAM: Location of the Granville Loops redevelopment in relation to adjacent redevelopments.

Vancouver House, Pinnacle gateway, 601 Beach Crescent, Granville Loops, Westbank, Vancouver
DRAWING: The heights of the existing and proposed buildings in the Granville Loops redevelopment (Source: City of Vancouver).
Connect with me if you have any questions about any of these developments or how they’ll impact nearby buildings. You can reach me via email ([email protected]), phone or text (604-314-7138), or through this website.
TITLE RENDERING: schematic showing the redevelopment potential for the Granville Loop neighbourhood. This is planned so actual heights may, and will likely, vary from shown. (Source: City of Vancouver)
Jason Hutchison
604.314.7138 [email protected]